
Estate Manager - Magda Fuz MIRPM AssocRICS

Senior Concierge - Dragan Popovic

Maintenance Manager - Michael Pinner

Concierge - Ivaylo Vasilev

Concierge - Tomasz Zasada 

Concierge - Christopher Walker 

Cleaner 1- 40 Cheyne Court - Jimmy Cabrera 

Cleaner 41 - 80 Cheyne Court - Mauricio Bernal

Cleaner 1- 40 Rossetti Garden Mansions - Mick Blyth 

 Magda can be contacted on 020-7351-3840.

All the concierges can be contacted at The Lodge on 020-7352-1502.   


Our address is The Lodge, Cheyne Court, Royal Hospital Road, London SW3 5TP


Click here for map

The 170 bus from Victoria Station stops in Royal Hospital Road at the Chelsea Physic Gardens stop which is directly outside the Lodge. Alternatively you can catch a 211 or 11 bus from Victoria which stops at the top of Flood Street by Chelsea Old Town Hall.   A short walk down Flood Street and the buildings are on the left and right near the junction of Royal Hospital Road.  In addition the 22, 19, 319 & 49 all run along the Kings Road.  South Kensington and Sloane Square tube stations on the District and Circle Lines are all within walking distance of the buildings.